
Point of Care Infectious

Trivitron manufactures point of care diagnostic kits for cardiac infection detection of Cardiac and Gastroenterology. This point of care testing involves the performance of a test in the immediate vicinity to a patient to provide rapid results outside the conventional laboratory environment. There are three different aspects to POCT testing; Diagnosis, Monitoring and Screening. However, POCTs can never be the replacement for conventional lab tests but can be a supplement to it.


Biocard C.pneumoniae IgM

Labsystems Diagnostic's Biocard™ C.pneumoniae IgM is a rapid test for the detection of IgM antibodies againstChlamydophila pneumoniae (Chlamydia pneumoniae ) from serum, fingertip blood  or intravenous blood sampleBiocard™ C.pneumoniae IgM, 10 tests Cat. 3-034-000

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Biocard M. pneumoniae IgM

Labsystems Diagnostics Biocard M.pneumoniae IgM is a rapid test for the detection of IgM antibodies against Mycoplasma pneumoniae from serum fingertip blood or intravenous blood sample.

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